• This Bagel Cookbook: For Beginners Made Easy Step by Step.
• Contains a variety of traditional Bagel recipes.
• Each recipe has a simple step that can be easily followed.
• You will find Bagel cooking interesting and happy.
• Your hands will make a deep impression on your family and friends.
• Bagel is a bread product traditionally designed by hand in to the form of the band from yeasted whole wheat bread, roughly hand-sized, which will be hard boiled for some time in water and then baked. The end result is a thick, chewy, heavy interior with a browned and sometimes sharp exterior.
• Bagels are in fact a favorite breads product in United states and Poland, particularly in cities with a huge Jewish individual population, many with alternate way of which makes all of them. Bagels are also sold (fresh or iced, often in many flavors) in grocery stores.