• This Rhubarb Cookbook: For Beginners Made Easy Step by Step.
• Contains a variety of traditional Rhubarb recipes.
• Each recipe has a simple step that can be easily followed.
• You will find Rhubarb cooking interesting and happy.
• Your hands will make a deep impression on your family and friends.
• Rhubarb is the fleshy, edible stalks (petioles) of species and hybrids (culinary rhubarb) of Rheum in the family Polygonaceae, that are ready and employed for meals. The whole herb – a herbaceous perennial growing from short, solid rhizomes – is also known as rhubarb.
• Although rhubarb is a vegetable, it is definitely normally put to the same cooking uses as fruits. The leaf stalks works perfectly uncooked, when they might have a razor-sharp texture (similar to celery), however are usually ready with sugar and utilized in pies, crumbles and many other desserts. They possess a powerful, sour flavor.