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How to Win a Civil Law Suit When You're The Underdog

How to Win a Civil Law Suit When You're The Underdog
สำนักพิมพ์Infinity & Beyond
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How to Win a Civil Law Suit When You're The Underdog
How to Win a Civil Law Suit When You're The Underdog
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The first time when I decided to write “How to Win a Civil Law Suit When You’re The Underdog” I was thinking about it a lot because I really don’t know where to start and in which area that I want to talk about. I recalled that it took me few weeks just try to think of table of contents but finally when I decided to write, I could finish this e-book earlier than I was expected.

The main reason for this UNDERDOG case, I just want you to remember that if you happened to be in the situation like what I had experienced, please remember that there is always the JUSTICE to help the good people like you and me. NEVER GIVE UP!!! And have faith in what you do is the right thing, then the rest it will just come along. I just want to say one thing that is quite simple to say but not easy to do; “To do the good deeds are so hard sometimes, which will make you doubt about it; but to do the bad deeds are so easy to do and sometimes you can see that it bring you all the comfortable things.” Just remember one thing, money and power are the roots of all evil things, just don’t fall into that trap and believe in doing the right thing.
13 พฤศจิกายน 2555
48 หน้า
119 บาท (ประหยัด 25%)