also represents the observation of the shadow of the earth on the moon,
and the record of the position of the Big Dipper constellation through the year.
These observations make up the four points of the compass:
the sun rises in the east and sets in the west,
the direction of the shortest shadow measured is south,
and at night, the pole star points north.
Thus, yin and yang are fundamentally connected with
the annual cycle of the earth around the sun
and the resulting four seasons.
Medical Use
The principles of yin and yang are an important part of Huangdi Neijing
or Yellow Emperor's Classic of Medicine.
Written about 2,000 years ago, it is the earliest Chinese medical book.
It is believed that to be healthy,
one needs to balance the yin and yang forces within one's own body.
Yin and yang are still important today
in traditional Chinese medicine and Feng Shui.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, there are five elements,
the yin yoga 5 elements, that are integral to all life.
These elements arise out of yin Qi and yang Qi.
Yin and Yang Qi
represent the female and male energies
from which all things in the universe are generated.
Yin is dark, cool, moist, and quiet.
Yang is dry, hot, and active.
Yin is the moon, reflective and deep.
Yang is the sun, bright and strong.
Both Yin Qi and Yang Qi,
regulate all life on earth
and reflect a deep understanding of natural law,
the Universal order underlying all things in our world.
They in turn give birth to the cosmic energy
and it is this that manifests all existence.
The combined Qi (the universal energy of life)
undergoes five stages of transformation.
The five stages of transformation are known as elements.
The human body
has layers of energetic subtle bodies that surround our physical structure
and are part of the larger energetic orbit containing both Yin and Yang energies.
Energetically we are all connected to each other,
and to anything organically entwined within the whole cosmic energy system.
We are both contributors and receivers to this cosmic energy system.
Both seasonal attributions and elements can be found within the human existence
and provide a blueprint that shows how nature interacts with the body.
As we learn to pay attention to how our bodies work,
the connectivity of the emotional with the physical,
and our connectivity with nature,
we can find better balance in our bodies and lives.
We can become more connected to our natural ‘Self’,
the world around us, as well as to each other.
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