This research is a continuation of my Ph.D. Thesis on 'Thai Political Thinkers from 1932-1998.' The work aimed to critically assess the similarities and differences between Indian and Thai political thinkers in recent periods. The work examined the issue of the influence of Indian thinkers on their Thai counterparts and also discussed the resemblance of political strategies employed by Indian and Thai political thinkers in their struggle for political freedom in their countries. Even though critics may argue that Thai thinkers are not equal to the Indian thinkers and reformers, at least they shared more or less similarities in one way or another with their Indian counterparts. Thus, this work is a stepping-stone towards further research on Thai and Indian political development from day one of their political freedom. Due to its steady scientific progress and economic development, I visualized the day has come for India to claim its glory in the short-distance future. Thailand could learn from India how to maintain democracy without military intervention and contain internal conflicts within the scope of democracy.