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World War III

World War III
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17 กรกฎาคม 2567
122 หน้า
180 บาท
World War 3 with the existence of humanity
Will World War 3 happen or not ? Can we stop World War 3 or not ?
Every prophecy predicts World War 3.
Where will the conflict in World War 3 begin?
of the world ? Where are there geopolitical conflicts ?
Which battlefield has the potential to escalate into war ?
What about the survival and safety of Americans?
Canadians, Europeans and NATO members.
What about other countries in the world ? Moreover, what will be the survival and safety?
How will the Chinese people be affected , including countries in the South China Sea such as Japan and Korea?
the Philippines, Australia and Taiwan be affected?
Middle Eastern countries How much damage will there be ?
How will each area of India be affected?
What will each area be like?
how much buildings, houses, and utilities are damaged by the war ?
It doesn't matter how many casualties there will be for soldiers.
But if the people have no food to eat, The world's population will suffer.
People will starve and suffer. all together This book aims to help everyone.
Prepare to deal with and reduce the impact of World War 3.
that will happen in the future Therefore, we invite everyone.
Read this book immediately to Let you prepare to deal with it. Before the destruction of mankind
17 กรกฎาคม 2567
122 หน้า
180 บาท