In a world where four ancient species of humans, werewolves, vampires, and witches coexist, the tale centres on "Selene Merlin", an Omega witcher. Unlike others of his kind, Selene cannot detect the pheromones of any Alpha or Omega, a condition that has set him apart his entire life. This all changes when he receives an invitation to attend Nicodemus University, a prestigious institution shrouded in mystery.
At the university, Selene's fate intertwines with that of "Lucius Ganondorf", a powerful Alpha hybrid of werewolf and vampire descent with his commanding presence and enigmatic aura, Lucius disrupts the world as Selene knows it. Their meeting ignites a chain of events that neither of them can escape destiny woven with danger, intrigue, and the ancient curse that binds their world.
*if you come across any typos, grammatical errors, or missing words, I apologize in advance. I am constantly learning and striving to improve, and your patience is greatly appreciated*