Rain of Love tells the story of a small community struck by a sudden flood. "Earth," a young woman caring for her elderly grandmother, is forced to evacuate her home, where she meets "Gop," a young soldier dispatched to assist the villagers.
Amidst the chaos of the flood and the loss of property, the bond between Earth and Gop begins to grow. But the story takes an unexpected turn when "Tum," a seemingly helpful rescue volunteer, turns out to be a thief, using the disaster as an opportunity to steal from the abandoned homes.
This crisis not only devastates the community but also tests the strength and trust of the people within it. The novel takes readers through tense moments of pursuing the criminal, uncovering deeper challenges, and facing complex problems.
Amidst the rain, hope, and the blossoming love between Earth and Gop, their relationship becomes a beacon of light during a time when the village needs encouragement the most.